Marketo: Salesforce Fields to Create before Sync

Take note of these fields, and add them to the appropriate Salesforce objects before your initial sync with Marketo

Before initiating the sync, there are Marketo fields that need to be created in Salesforce. These requirements are somewhat obscured in documentation, and I had some difficult getting a complete, updated list without some deep scouring.

Here are the fields that I’ve found need to be created in Salesforce before the initial sync:

  • Score - mkto71_Lead_Score (Number)

  • Acquisition Date - mkto71_Acquisition_Date (Date/Time)

  • Acquisition Program - mkto71_Acquisition_Program (Text)

  • Other Fields - Acquisition Program Id, Original Referrer, Original Search Engine, Original Search Phrase, Original Source Info, Original Source Type, Inferred City, Inferred Company, Inferred Country, Inferred Metropolitan Area, Inferred Phone Area Code, Inferred Postal Code, Inferred State Region

You can find the API names for the “Other Fields” at this link, which also includes instructions for mapping custom fields for conversions.

The sync is "forever," so write a Data Dictionary before engaging it!

The sync is "forever," so write a Data Dictionary before engaging it!

And finally, a short list of other things to consider before your initial sync:

  1. Marketo “Persons” align with Salesforce “Leads” and “Contacts”

  2. Marketo Person fields sync with either the lead object or contact/account object fields, depending on the person’s Salesforce conversion status

  3. Fields that sync to Marketo from Salesforce remain in the Marketo data schema forever, so limit field visibility on the initial sync to the ones relevant to marketing; make more visible as needed

  4. When you want to create a new field after the initial sync, do so by creating it in Salesforce (not Marketo)

  5. Work on a data dictionary (downloadable below) with sales and marketing leadership

Good Luck!

Fill out the form below to download a Data Dictionary starter document for your Marketo to Salesforce sync!


Andy P Hong

Politerate. Digital Advocate. Operations Jedi. Marketing Anomaly. Lead and Owner at Hallyu Digital.

Download: Marketo - Salesforce Integration Guide


Download: Marketo to Salesforce Data Dictionary Starter